Collective agreement

  • The collective agreement is in force until 31 August 2025. Salary increases were obtained retroactively and for future years; compensation for lack of benefits increases to 3.75% starting in 2022; the number of hours to qualify for the employer-paid maternity leave supplement decreases to 250 instead of 300.
  • The collective agreement has been filed with the Ministry of Labour. The official version will be available shortly.
Your collective agreement in 9 points
Excerpt from Appendix A on Wages – Current Rates

Since the minimum wage has been raised to $15.25 since May 1, 2023, the hourly rate for exam surveillance has been modified (Surveillant.e).

Integral version of your collective agreement

What is happening now?

Implementation of the new collective agreement
  • The renewal of the collective agreement was properly negotiated. The parties signed on June 20. Your union team is ready to enforce the new provisions!
  • Where do we stand? The employer has made the retroactive pay. Did you receive the right amount in retroactivity? Here’s a tool to help you figure it out!
The union defending your interests
  • Do not hesitate to contact your representatives if you have any questions about your working conditions.

Who is a member of the unit?

You are members of the teaching assistants unit if you do, or have done in the last year, one of the tasks below.

  • In charge of practical work, including laboratory and tutorial classes
  • Role: ensure the proper functioning of a group of practical work
  • Pay: for the period of practical work and may include work outside class
  • Repetition, including tutoring
  • Role: answer students’ questions during practical work
  • Pay: for the period of practical work and do not include any work outside class
  • Correction
  • Role: correct assignments and exams
  • Pay: by time sheets, every hours devoted to correction have to be paid
  • Surveillance of exams
  • Role: ensure the smooth running of the exam periods and compliance with rules
  • Pay: by time sheets, every hours of attendance in the examination room have to be paid
  • Supervision of the surveillance of exams
  • Role: in addition to the surveillance, responsible of an exam room and deliver the examination papers if necessary
  • Pay: by time sheets, every hours of attendance in the examination room or delivery have to be paid

Often, teaching assistants perform many of these tasks during a single session.

Who do I contact?

Do you have specific questions on the progress of negotiations? Do you have any concerns, suggestions, recommendations, claims for the committee? You can contact :