Collective agreement

  • The collective agreement is in force until 31 August 2024. New procedures apply for posting course loads, assigning and updating scorescumulative pointing.
Your collective agreement in 9 points
Scoring lists
January 2024

A union grievance was filed for the employer’s failure to meet the publication deadline for the list of May 2022. Two other grievances were also filed on the non-conformity of the September 2022 scoring list.

What is happening now?

Implementation of the new collective agreement
  • The renewal of the collective agreement was duly negotiated. The parties signed on April 7, 2022. Your union team is there for you!
  • Where are we now? At the Annual General Assembly on April 20, 2023, the bargaining committee was elected. With the collective agreement expiring on August 31, 2024, the members are ready to negotiate the next agreement. You have a voice in the mandate to negotiate, so keep an eye on upcoming communications!
The union defending your interests
  • Scoring list, since winter 2023
  • The union has filed application and interpretation grievances on the collective agreement regarding the scoring list (liste de pointage).
  • The hearings before the arbitrator ended on April 2 and we are awaiting the decision.
  • It is important to continue submitting your applications despite the loss of your score on certain courses.
  • Agreement on holiday compensation
  • Following the filing of two grievances, the Union and the Employer reached an agreement on December 24, 2023.
  • An indemnity equivalent to 1.6% of salary for each course contract will be paid, retroactive to June 1, 2023.

Who is a member of the unit?

The majority of courses at Polytechnique are given by lecturers.

Polytechnique lecturers are different from other universities’ lecturers by their diverse origins:

  • full time at Polytechnique
  • graduate students
  • industry
Inscription to the broadcast list

Want to be notified when course offers are posted for lecturers? Sign up now!

Who do I contact?

Do you have specific questions regarding the collective agreement? You can contact :